The Stephen S. Fuller Institute

Fourth Annual Economic Forum

The Annual Economic Forum will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2020, 11:00am – 12:00pm (EDT).

This year has been a disruptive year for all of us and for the Washington region’s economy. This forum will focus on this year’s pandemic-induced recession, its recovery to-date, and the challenges for 2021 and beyond. Unfortunately, we will not be able to gather in-person this year and will be hosting this year’s event via Zoom.


11:00-11:05am: Introduction by Dean Mark Rozell, Schar School of Policy & Government
11:05-11:10am: Opening Remarks by Bob Buchanan, President, 2030 Group
11:10-11:45am: 11:10-11:45am: Presentation by Jeannette Chapman, Director, The Stephen S. Fuller Institute on The Washington Region’s Recession in 2020 & Its Economic Outlook
11:45-Noon: Q&A